Video: One Year of Traveling in the Van

27. One Year of Traveling in my Van #travelvideos #solotravel #introverttravel

It’s been one year of this introvert, homebody traveling in my van, road trips, camping, hiking, fitness, sightseeing, roadside attractions, and exploring… AND trying to catch it all on video.
I’ve learned a lot, done a lot, seen a lot… and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Travel Video 24 Pigs and a Painting

Traveling artist… on solo road trip to move abstract painting to its new home.
One overnight stay in my camper van at Harvest Host, Anchor Meadow Farm with the KuneKune pigs in Nebraska. And a roadside attraction, Danish Windmill in Iowa.
There is nothing better than exploring and sightseeing in the midwest… all in the comfort of my Pacifica minivan!


Speak Up For Yourself When It Comes To Your Health

It’s OK to challenge doctors.

Especially if they are not listening to you.

It’s OK to look for a different doctor who will listen to you.

These are crazy times.

Make your health a priority.

Last year, a doctor told me I had Hashimotos. It didn’t make sense. It made sense that I had subacute thyroiditis. But she would not listen.

So I went to a different doctor. He ran more bloodwork and agreed I had subacute thyroiditis. One year later, just had my thyroid checked… still normal.

What would I be going through now if I had not challenged that original diagnosis?

Be your own advocate.


Listen to your body.


Where Are Tiger King’s Tigers? Travel Video 23

In my latest travel video, I visit The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado where Joe Exotic’s Tigers now live.

And I was going to stay at a truck stop, but that didn’t work out.

Watch video here

And please share to spread the word about these beautiful animals.

Thank you.


Travel Video. Working Through Some Things at Carter Lake

I took a quick road trip to Carter Lake (Northern Colorado) where I did some winter camping for the night.
I had some things on my mind, so it was good to get away.
While hiking, I learned my minivan has a party when I’m gone… lots of strange noises…??

Let me know if you know what those mysterious sounds are. 🙂
